Monday, September 24, 2007

RE: hydrazine hydrate and market-based energy choices in general

At 05:15 PM 09/24/2007, Feng Hsu wrote:
>"Deciding or making assessments on better energy or any technologies" does
>not have to be "deterministic".

Making **A** choice for what **IS BEST** implies certainty about what is best.
That's not a stochastic policy.

If we allow the
>commercial force to drive our economy, then there is a price to pay and a
>risk to take. If the risk is too high, in terms of self-destructions and
>man-made planetary ruins, then such risk level is simply unacceptable to

I have never said to use ONLY the raw market. I have actually called
for intervention
to strengthen market competition, and that is a kind of intervention.
And lots more effective R&D.

But as a practical matter, we cannot dictate a single energy source
or carrier for
the entire world. Improved market competition is an important PART of
the solution,
a tool we must make use of, along with all other tools.

I do not see China guiding us to a faster deployment of space solar power,
even though they trust markets less than we do.

Best of luck to us all,


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