Saturday, September 22, 2007

a new game plan for Exxon

Look at that!

To follow up, I decided to do a quick google on "hydrazine automotive".

Maybe a hydrazine economy is a lot closer than I thought. Hydrazine hydrate, to be precise.

It can be used in fuel cells, as they say, but it can also be used with heat engines of many kinds.
(It burns.) And they HAVE looked into safety issues.

By the way, NAIST is a VERY serious place! In April 2005, I got to attend their international conference
on power electronics, where top people from Toyota played a central role. Roughly speaking...
it is a government agency, playing a central role in research... you might say that NAIST is to
technology in Japan what NIH is to medicine in the US...

If I ran Exxon, I would probably start announcing a new vision of a hydrazine-hydrogen economy...
and I'd put money into BOTH energy from space and earth-based solar thermal power
to get ready for massive domestic production of this new liquid fuel.

Best of luck to us all,


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