Tuesday, May 08, 2007

NASA Colab Luna Philosophie Montly Meetings - open to the public

Dear Fellow Space Fans,

I am excited to inform you about a new initiative by NASA and the innovative technology-entrepreneurial community called Colab:


As part of Colab, they are running monthly meetings that are open to the public called Luna Philosophie:


These meetings are held on the Full Moon of each month in San Francisco. Check the above websites for the physical location, as these may change from month to month.

It was an honor to be invited to give a work-in-progress presentation of my Arthur C. Clarke Maelstrom II independent HD digital short project.

What I found exciting about attending the 1st Luna Philosophie meeting was the opportunity to meet interesting people from all walks of life with a grass roots commitment to Space Exploration and Colonisation.

If you are in the Bay Area, please consider attending the next Luna Philosophie to see how you can participate.

If you are located on a different part of this planet, please consider joining Colab virtually:


Hope to see you at the next meeting!

Best wishes,

Jeroen Lapre'
Digital Artist/Technical Director

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