Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Re: Maelstrom II needs a klaxon/alert sound

Christopher Barnett wrote:
>Awesome, I'll take a whack at it tonight
Much thanks.

We also need a klaxon/alert sound for when the capsule loses velocity.


>-----Original Message-----
>From: Jeroen Lapre [mailto:jeroen@ilm.com]
>Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2007 4:01 PM
>To: Christopher Barnett; Ellen Meijers; Greg Hyman
>Cc: Maelstrom II Updates Blog; maelstrom2@distant-galaxy.com
>Subject: Maelstrom II animatic for metal clamp-release/groan test
>Chris, Ellen, Greg,
>here is my very 1st extremely rough Maelstrom II animatic/edit for the
>launch sequence:
>This is mainly for Chris to hear his metal groan test sound.
>At take off, around 20 seconds into the above clip, I used your
>HatchClamps Off.wav,
>which I think works quite well for the initial "shove".
>However, toward the end at 23 seconds, where Chuck is grimacing in the
>3/4 angle,
>the MetalGroans.wav sound you chose is too "clanky".
>I think we need something more like an aircraft airframe vibrating and
>groaning with metal fatigue.
>Rather than hearing metal parts clanking together.
>My thinking is that each time the capsule passes through an e.m. hoop,
>it is getting an e.m. shove every fraction of a second. This justifies
>the amount of vibration I'm adding to the image, and would like to
>reflect in the sound.
>Please let me know what you think.
>Greg, please hold off making any master edit changes.
>This is my 1st take at this just to get a feel for our elements.
>Thanks all!

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