Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Arthur C. Clarke's Maelstrom II Launch Sequence Animatic

Dear Maelstrom II cast, crew, consultants, and friends,

now that all the R&D is done, and we have most models hires, we are
finally assembling the edit/animatic.

Here is our 1st take at the launch sequence.

I stress that this is work in progress, does not reflect final
production quality, contains temp audio, and is subject to change:


Please let us know what you think.

Best wishes

digital artist/technical director

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Re: Maelstrom II needs a klaxon/alert sound

Christopher Barnett wrote:
>Awesome, I'll take a whack at it tonight
Much thanks.

We also need a klaxon/alert sound for when the capsule loses velocity.


>-----Original Message-----
>From: Jeroen Lapre [mailto:jeroen@ilm.com]
>Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2007 4:01 PM
>To: Christopher Barnett; Ellen Meijers; Greg Hyman
>Cc: Maelstrom II Updates Blog; maelstrom2@distant-galaxy.com
>Subject: Maelstrom II animatic for metal clamp-release/groan test
>Chris, Ellen, Greg,
>here is my very 1st extremely rough Maelstrom II animatic/edit for the
>launch sequence:
>This is mainly for Chris to hear his metal groan test sound.
>At take off, around 20 seconds into the above clip, I used your
>HatchClamps Off.wav,
>which I think works quite well for the initial "shove".
>However, toward the end at 23 seconds, where Chuck is grimacing in the
>3/4 angle,
>the MetalGroans.wav sound you chose is too "clanky".
>I think we need something more like an aircraft airframe vibrating and
>groaning with metal fatigue.
>Rather than hearing metal parts clanking together.
>My thinking is that each time the capsule passes through an e.m. hoop,
>it is getting an e.m. shove every fraction of a second. This justifies
>the amount of vibration I'm adding to the image, and would like to
>reflect in the sound.
>Please let me know what you think.
>Greg, please hold off making any master edit changes.
>This is my 1st take at this just to get a feel for our elements.
>Thanks all!

RE: Maelstrom II animatic for metal clamp-release/groan test

Awesome, I'll take a whack at it tonight


-----Original Message-----
From: Jeroen Lapre [mailto:jeroen@ilm.com]
Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2007 4:01 PM
To: Christopher Barnett; Ellen Meijers; Greg Hyman
Cc: Maelstrom II Updates Blog; maelstrom2@distant-galaxy.com
Subject: Maelstrom II animatic for metal clamp-release/groan test

Chris, Ellen, Greg,

here is my very 1st extremely rough Maelstrom II animatic/edit for the
launch sequence:


This is mainly for Chris to hear his metal groan test sound.

At take off, around 20 seconds into the above clip, I used your
HatchClamps Off.wav,
which I think works quite well for the initial "shove".

However, toward the end at 23 seconds, where Chuck is grimacing in the
3/4 angle,
the MetalGroans.wav sound you chose is too "clanky".

I think we need something more like an aircraft airframe vibrating and
groaning with metal fatigue.
Rather than hearing metal parts clanking together.

My thinking is that each time the capsule passes through an e.m. hoop,
it is getting an e.m. shove every fraction of a second. This justifies
the amount of vibration I'm adding to the image, and would like to
reflect in the sound.

Please let me know what you think.

Greg, please hold off making any master edit changes.
This is my 1st take at this just to get a feel for our elements.

Thanks all!

Maelstrom II animatic for metal clamp-release/groan test

Chris, Ellen, Greg,

here is my very 1st extremely rough Maelstrom II animatic/edit for the
launch sequence:


This is mainly for Chris to hear his metal groan test sound.

At take off, around 20 seconds into the above clip, I used your
HatchClamps Off.wav,
which I think works quite well for the initial "shove".

However, toward the end at 23 seconds, where Chuck is grimacing in the
3/4 angle,
the MetalGroans.wav sound you chose is too "clanky".

I think we need something more like an aircraft airframe vibrating and
groaning with metal fatigue.
Rather than hearing metal parts clanking together.

My thinking is that each time the capsule passes through an e.m. hoop,
it is getting an e.m. shove every fraction of a second.
This justifies the amount of vibration I'm adding to the image,
and would like to reflect in the sound.

Please let me know what you think.

Greg, please hold off making any master edit changes.
This is my 1st take at this just to get a feel for our elements.

Thanks all!

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Re: Maelstrom II Sidebar on kurzweilAI.net

Wow! That's huge. Kurzweil's site is really cool.

On 2/8/07, Jeroen Lapre <jeroen@ilm.com> wrote:
> Dear Maelstrom II cast, crew, consultants, and friends,
> Amara Angelica, editor of KurzweilAI.net, has very generously added a
> side bar to KurzweilAI.net for Maelstrom II, next to Clarke's recent
> Egogram '07:
> http://www.kurzweilai.net/meme/frame.html?main=/articles/art0694.html
> Much thanks!
> Cheers
> -jeroen
> producer/director Maelstrom II
> digital artist/technical director
> www.ilm.com

Maelstrom II Sidebar on kurzweilAI.net

Dear Maelstrom II cast, crew, consultants, and friends,

Amara Angelica, editor of KurzweilAI.net, has very generously added a
side bar to KurzweilAI.net for Maelstrom II, next to Clarke's recent
Egogram '07:


Much thanks!

producer/director Maelstrom II

digital artist/technical director

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Maelstrom II: News from Arthur C. Clarke

Dear Maelstrom II cast, crew, consultants, and friends,

just received this email from Sir Arthur yesterday.


Friends, Earthlings, ETs -- lend me your sensory organs!

I send you greetings and good wishes at the beginning of another year. I’ll be celebrating (?) my 90th birthday in December – a few weeks after the Space Age completes its first half century.
When the late and unlamented Soviet Union launched Sputnik 1 on 4 October 1957, it took only about five minutes for the world to realise what had happened. And although I had been writing and speaking about space travel for years, the moment is still frozen in my own memory: I was in Barcelona attending the 8th International Astronautical Congress. We had retired to our hotel rooms after a busy day of presentations when the news broke -- I was awakened by reporters seeking comments on the Soviet feat. Our theories and speculations had suddenly become reality!
Notwithstanding the remarkable accomplishments during the past 50 years, I believe that the Golden Age of space travel is still ahead of us. Before the current decade is out, fee-paying passengers will be experiencing sub-orbital flights aboard privately funded passenger vehicles, built by a new generation of engineer-entrepreneurs with an unstoppable passion for space (I’m hoping I could still make such a journey myself). And over the next 50 years, thousands of people will gain access to the orbital realm – and then, to the Moon and beyond.
During 2006, I followed with interest the emergence of this new breed of ‘Citizen Astronauts’ and private space enterprise. I am very encouraged by the wide-spread acceptance of the Space Elevator, which can make space transport cheap and affordable to ordinary people. This daring engineering concept, which I popularised in The Fountains of Paradise (1978), is now taken very seriously, with space agencies and entrepreneurs investing money and effort in developing prototypes. A dozen of these parties competed for the NASA-sponsored, US$ 150,000 X Prize Cup which took place in October 2006 at the Las Cruces International Airport, New Mexico.
The Arthur Clarke Foundation continues to recognise and cheer-lead men and women who blaze new trails to space. A few days before the X Prize Cup competition, my old friend Walter Cronkite received the Foundation’s Lifetime Achievement Award. I have known Walter for over half a century, and my commentary with him during the heady days of the Apollo Moon landings now belongs to another era. A space ‘pathfinder’ of the Twenty First Century, Bob Bigelow, was presented the Arthur C. Clarke Innovator Award for his work in the development of space habitats. With the successful launch of Bigelow Aerospace’s Genesis 1, Bob is leading the way for private individuals willing to advance space exploration with minimum reliance on government programmes.

Meanwhile, planning and fund-raising work continued for the Arthur C Clarke Centre "to investigate the reach and impact of human imagination", to be set up in partnership with the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Objective: to identify young people with robust imagination, to help their parents and teachers make the most of that talent, and to accord imagination as much regard as high academic grades in the classroom - anywhere in the world. The Board members of the Clarke Foundation, led by its indefatigable Chairman Tedson Meyers, have taken on the challenge of raising US$ 70 million for this project. I’m hopeful that the billion dollar communications satellite industry I founded 60 years ago with my Wireless World  paper (October 1945), for which I received the astronomical sum of £15, will be partners in this endeavour.

I’ve only been able to make a few encouraging noises from the sidelines for these and other worthy projects as I’m now very limited in time and energy owing to Post Polio. But I’m happy to report that my health remains stable, and I’m in no discomfort or pain. Being completely wheel-chaired helps to concentrate on my reading and writing – which I can once again engage in, with the second cataract operation restoring my eyesight.
During the year, I wrote a number of short articles, book reviews and commentaries for a variety of print and online outlets. I also did a few carefully chosen media interviews, and filmed several video greetings to important scientific or literary gatherings in different parts of the world.
I was particularly glad to find a co-author to complete my last novel, The Last Theorem, which remained half-written for a couple of years. I had mapped out the entire story, but then found I didn’t have the energy to work on the balance text. Accomplished American writer Frederik Pohl has now taken up the challenge. Meanwhile, co-author Stephen Baxter has completed First-born, the third novel in our collaborative Time Odyssey series, to be published in 2007.
Members of my adopted family -- Hector, Valerie, Cherene, Tamara and Melinda Ekanayake -- are keeping well. Hector has been looking after me since 1956, and with his wife Valerie, has made a home for me at 25, Barnes Place, Colombo. Hector continued to rebuild the diving operation that was wiped out by the Indian Ocean Tsunami of December 2004. Sri Lanka’s tourist sector, still recovering from the mega-disaster, weathered a further crisis as the long-drawn civil conflict ignited again after more than three years of relative peace and quiet. I remain hopeful that a lasting solution would be worked out by the various national and international players engaged in the peace process.
I’m still missing and mourning my beloved Chihuahua Pepsi, who left us more than a year ago. I’ve just heard that dogs aren’t allowed in Heaven, so I’m not going there.
Brother Fred, Chris Howse, Angie Edwards and Navam Tambayah look after my affairs in England. My agents David Higham Associates (www.davidhigham.co.uk) and Scovil, Chichak & Galen Literary Agency (www.scglit.com) deal with rapacious editors and media executives. They both follow my general directive: No reasonable offer will even be considered.
I am well supported by my staff and take this opportunity to thank them all:
Executive Officer: Nalaka Gunawardene
Personal Assistant: Rohan De Silva
Secretary: Dottie Weerasooriya
Valets: Titus, Saman, Chandra, Sunil
Drivers: Lalith & Anthony
Domestic Staff: Kesavan, Jayasiri & Mallika
Gardener: Jagath
Let me end with an extract from my tribute to Star Trek on its 40th anniversary – this message is more relevant today than when the series first aired in the heady days of Apollo: “Appearing at such a time in human history, Star Trek popularised much more than the vision of a space-faring civilisation. In episode after episode, it promoted the then unpopular ideals of tolerance for differing cultures and respect for life in all forms – without preaching, and always with a saving sense of humour.”
Full essay available at: http://startrek40.blogspot.com/2006/09/forty-years-of-star-trek-by-arthur-c_07.html

Colombo, Sri Lanka
28 January 2007

Sir Arthur C Clarke