Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Re: Arthur C. Clarke Maelstrom II: Rescue Craft 3D Model Started


Nice to see an aesthetic. To me it looks a bit insect like but I like the fact that a design statement is being made here.  Does it land? The orientation of the windows to the landing gear looks like it needs work for a landing. How could you see the surface? If the rear has landing gear then I think it needs to be thicker. Those things look like robotic retrieval arms.  Where are the attitude control thrusters? Six engines????

Just my two cents worth, very late, and probably a bit annoying. 


On Aug 7, 2007, at 6:29 PM, Jeroen Lapre wrote:

Dear Maelstrom II cast, crew, consultants and friends,

3D maya modeler, Jon Varner, has started the 3D model!

As you may gather from the feedback thread, the final design is subject to modification.


Jay Trimble
NASA Ames Research Center
Intelligent Systems Division
650 604-6060

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