Saturday, July 26, 2008

Arthur C. Clarke's Maelstrom II: G Suit Complete / Rail Mountains

Dear ACC Maelstrom II cast, crew, consultants, and friends,

my apologies for my radio silence. I have taken 6 months leave from ILM to work on the premier planetarium show for the re-opening of the California Academy of Sciences building in the Golden Gate park, SF.

We continue to move forward on Maelstrom II, with the completion of the textures for the G suit:

...and a beautiful digital painting of the lunar south pole mountains:

Special thanks to texture painter Youngkyu Kim, 3D modeler Jon Varner, and digital painter Niall Booker.

Best wishes.

Jeroen Lapre'

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Sir Arthur C. Clarke's Maelstrom II: Now a Living Memorial

Dear Maelstrom II Cast, Crew, Consultants and Friends,

you have most probably heard by now the passing of Sir Arthur C. Clarke.

I am very sad that I did not get the opportunity to meet him in person and show him the completed version of Maelstrom II.

It was an honor to be introduced to Sir Arthur by my friend Jay Trimble, from NASA Ames, back in the year 2001.

It was a privilege to have corresponded with Sir Arthur, and to be working on a digital short adaptation of one of his short stories.

Maelstrom II is now a living memorial for Sir Arthur. I am determined to complete it with the original intention galvanized:

to inspire people about this amazing Universe we inhabit.

Best wishes,

Jeroen Lapre'
Maelstrom II

digital artist