Saturday, October 13, 2007

Fwd: Save a half a trillion $ a year--SSP as WAR PREVENTION

TO:  HU  &  ALL,
Having  s  similar  USAF  background  (1952-1975)  to Hu's, including  being  a  bomb commander (F-100s and F-105s)  and  Chief  of   the Nuclear  Policy  Section  for  SACEUR/NATO  (1971-1974)  as well  as
combat  in  Vietnam,  I  endorse  Hu's  comments  and  know  that  with very  few  exceptions,  every  military  person  who  had  to  fight  wished  that  society  and  policymakers  had  found  other ways  to resolve  problems.  In  the end,  we know  that  given  a  choice  between fighting  and  losing  the freedoms, liberty,  and  values  of democracy ... we  fought.  But  it  always was  with  regret.  And those  of  us with responsibility  on  the nuclear  side  knew  that  it  was  the awareness  of  impacts  up  to Nuclear  Winters
that  made  deterrence  work  and  contributed  to  winning  the Cold  War.  Now  the  probability  of   that deterrence  working  has dropped.
I'm  talking  to  the  National  Museum  of   the  Air Force,  at  Wright-Patterson AFB, Dayton  on  23 October. The title is  "The  2007  Meaning  of  the Vietnam War."  The  macro  issues  of   science  and  technology's  advances  where  human  extinction  is  under  serious  study  propells  this  "SSP  as  a
War  Prevention  Potential'" into  a  critically  important  emerging  issue.  I'll include  it  at  Dayton.

Bob  Krone

Bob Krone, Ph.D. E-mail=
Krone Associates of Fallbrook, California, U.S.A.

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Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Arthur C. Clarke's Maelstrom II: 2nd Task - Shot CD003 Match-a-mation

Dear Maelstrom II match-a-mators,

here is our 2nd match-a-mation shot / task:

For those whom may have missed the 1st one, here it is again:

When time permits, I'll start building the digital board pages with image links to these tasks, as they grow.
