Monday, December 18, 2006

RE: Happy Birthday Sir Arthur C. Clarke!

Nice job. I be he appreciated it.


From: Jeroen Lapre' []
Sent: Friday, December 15, 2006 7:12 PM
To: Anthony Shafer; Jack Haye; Jennifer Coronado; Matt Edwards; Ricardo Ramos; Alex Jaeger; Paul Giacoppo; Greg Hyman; Matt Blackwell; Michael Jamieson; Zach Sherman; Andrea Maiolo; Chris Mitchell; Bob Frey; David Morris; Eric Bermender; Lanny Cermak; Larry Hoki; Leah Anton; Michael Sanders; Will McCoy; Sean Mackenzie; Sean Curran; Mike Ludlam; George Sakellariou; Randy Jonsson; Rod Bogart; Daniel Marriott; Todd Daniele; Jon Varner; David Hoffman; Joni White; Ellen Meijers; Fred Meyers; Christopher Barnett; Josh Lowden; Chuck Marra; Eric Machmer; Kimberly Huestis; Maelstrom II Blog; Lisa Chu-Thielbar; Roger Arno; Ken Galal; Susmita Mohanty; Jay Trimble; Michael H Sims; Joel Hagen; Daniel D. Durda; Larry Kellogg; Randall Clague; David Lackner; Carter Emmart; Russell Schweickart; Damian Steel; Alan Travis; Andre Mazzone; Daniel Slavin; Sean Mackenzie; Margaret Oh; Philip Metschan; Myles Murphy; Richard Ducker; Rob Coleman; Alex Suter; Curt Miyashiro; Scott May; Scott Mease; Amelia Chenoweth; Stephen Aplin; Brian Flynn; Geoff Campbell; Joseph Metten; Mario Capellari; Lala Gavgavian; Raul Essig; Jason Rosson; Neil Herzinger; Audra Koklys; Brian Brecht; Vernor Vinge; Ann Druyan; Bill Gilman; Chris White; Dennis Turner - nobody in particular; David Morris; Dugan Beach; GARY HARRISON; Hael Kobayashi; Jeff Kember; Lydia Choy; Marjo T- Silva; Marc Cooper; Chris Stott; Mike Smithwick; Michael Min; NOS LAPRE; Peter Giles; Prashant Maharaj; Emily Lakdawalla; Alan Tonisson; Mike Ludlam; Winston Leong; Wil McCarthy; Wilson Tang; Alex Goodwin; Vince DeQuattro; Missing Pixels; Dr. Robert Zubrin; Andrew Goreff; Bruce Damer; Steve Weintz; J. S. Campbell
Subject: Happy Birthday Sir Arthur C. Clarke!


Dear Maelstrom II cast, crew, consultants and friends,

I just sent this e-birthday card to Sir Arthur. He turned 89 today. Yikes!

Best wishes,


Friday, December 15, 2006

Happy Birthday Sir Arthur C. Clarke!

Dear Maelstrom II cast, crew, consultants and friends,

I just sent this e-birthday card to Sir Arthur. He turned 89 today. Yikes!

Best wishes,
