Monday, December 18, 2006

RE: Happy Birthday Sir Arthur C. Clarke!

Nice job. I be he appreciated it.


From: Jeroen Lapre' []
Sent: Friday, December 15, 2006 7:12 PM
To: Anthony Shafer; Jack Haye; Jennifer Coronado; Matt Edwards; Ricardo Ramos; Alex Jaeger; Paul Giacoppo; Greg Hyman; Matt Blackwell; Michael Jamieson; Zach Sherman; Andrea Maiolo; Chris Mitchell; Bob Frey; David Morris; Eric Bermender; Lanny Cermak; Larry Hoki; Leah Anton; Michael Sanders; Will McCoy; Sean Mackenzie; Sean Curran; Mike Ludlam; George Sakellariou; Randy Jonsson; Rod Bogart; Daniel Marriott; Todd Daniele; Jon Varner; David Hoffman; Joni White; Ellen Meijers; Fred Meyers; Christopher Barnett; Josh Lowden; Chuck Marra; Eric Machmer; Kimberly Huestis; Maelstrom II Blog; Lisa Chu-Thielbar; Roger Arno; Ken Galal; Susmita Mohanty; Jay Trimble; Michael H Sims; Joel Hagen; Daniel D. Durda; Larry Kellogg; Randall Clague; David Lackner; Carter Emmart; Russell Schweickart; Damian Steel; Alan Travis; Andre Mazzone; Daniel Slavin; Sean Mackenzie; Margaret Oh; Philip Metschan; Myles Murphy; Richard Ducker; Rob Coleman; Alex Suter; Curt Miyashiro; Scott May; Scott Mease; Amelia Chenoweth; Stephen Aplin; Brian Flynn; Geoff Campbell; Joseph Metten; Mario Capellari; Lala Gavgavian; Raul Essig; Jason Rosson; Neil Herzinger; Audra Koklys; Brian Brecht; Vernor Vinge; Ann Druyan; Bill Gilman; Chris White; Dennis Turner - nobody in particular; David Morris; Dugan Beach; GARY HARRISON; Hael Kobayashi; Jeff Kember; Lydia Choy; Marjo T- Silva; Marc Cooper; Chris Stott; Mike Smithwick; Michael Min; NOS LAPRE; Peter Giles; Prashant Maharaj; Emily Lakdawalla; Alan Tonisson; Mike Ludlam; Winston Leong; Wil McCarthy; Wilson Tang; Alex Goodwin; Vince DeQuattro; Missing Pixels; Dr. Robert Zubrin; Andrew Goreff; Bruce Damer; Steve Weintz; J. S. Campbell
Subject: Happy Birthday Sir Arthur C. Clarke!


Dear Maelstrom II cast, crew, consultants and friends,

I just sent this e-birthday card to Sir Arthur. He turned 89 today. Yikes!

Best wishes,


Friday, December 15, 2006

Happy Birthday Sir Arthur C. Clarke!

Dear Maelstrom II cast, crew, consultants and friends,

I just sent this e-birthday card to Sir Arthur. He turned 89 today. Yikes!

Best wishes,


Friday, November 17, 2006

Arthur C. Clarke:Maelstrom II HD Shot CR01 Work in Progress

Dear Maelstrom II cast, crew, constultants, and friends,

we are finally in the process of working on our 1st HD resolution frame!

Dear Maelstrom II consultants. The lighting angle from the sun is based
on our correspondence on this.
i.e. nearly horizontal since we are so close to the south pole.

Please ignore the lack of detail in the background. Just a temp
placeholder for lunar hills/mountains.



Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Update Nov 1 + News From Dr. Clarke!

Dear Maelstrom II Cast, Crew, Consultants, and Friends,

This is what I recently received from Arthur C. Clarke, after not hearing from him for a while:

Dear friends and colleagues,

As some of you might be aware, I've been having some difficulties with my email account and ISP in recent months. Matters went completely out of control when, earlier this month, the pioneer ISP in Sri Lanka suddenly went out of business. There was no warning, and no explanation.

With that crash, I have permanently and suddenly lost access to my email long-standing address. Emails sent to that address after October 3 will never reach me. I haven't had the opportunity to phase out the old address and phase in a new one.

I won't miss the old email accounts -- they were attracting 80 - 90% spam.

...I'm glad to belatedly move to my own domain name, and happy to note that no ISP can drive me out of this address!


I'm feeling fine, and cataract surgery in both eyes has now considerably enhanced my eye sight. I'm now looking forward to my 89th birthday in just two months' time.

All good wishes,

14 October 2006

Verteran documentary maker, David Hoffman, is very interested in producing and directing a "Making of Maelstrom II" documentary.
This would include flying myself and a documentary crew over to Sri Lanka to interview Dr. Clarke in person!
The goal would be to record his commentary on the Maelstrom II project, as well as his insights and opinions on the colonisation of space.

I wrote to Dr. Clarke with this proposal, and have received his blessings!

Dear Jeroen,

Thanks for email and update.

Good to hear the production is going well -- and that a documentary is being planned.

I'll be happy to participate as long as:
- it's cleared with Russ;
- filming happens right here in my home; and
- you allow plenty of breaks and sufficient time for my inputs, as I now get tired very easily.

I have no plans to leave Sri Lanka again, and can receive a visit from you and film team with about a month's notice. Do let me know as your plans evolve.

All good wishes,

25 Oct 2006

David, Dr. Clarke's agent Russell, and I are currently negotiating the details.

Maselstrom II other updates:
Revamped main Maelstrom II webpage:

(Might need to refresh your browser to see new version).

Finally uploaded production stills from the live shoot, from February 2005, at the old ILM C biulding Main stage on Kerner in San Rafael:

The main page now has a link to this as well. Will update production stills web pages with additional stills as I find them.

More updates soon. Onwards!

Jeroen Lapre'
Technical Director

Maelstrom II